Project partner the Region of Central Macedonia created Project video which presents Blue growth smart Adriatic Ionian – BlueAir project, objectives of the project and focuses on the entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) as a means to identify promising areas of specialization for the participating ADRION countries. EDP is conceptualized as a learning process to discover the research and innovation domains in which a region can hope to excel, and in which entrepreneurial actors are likely to play leading roles in discovering promising areas of future specialization.

The entrepreneurial discovery process (EDP) is an interactive and inclusive bottom-up approach involving quadruple helix participants from different sectors. It aims to identify potential new activities and attractive innovations through collaboration, with policymakers facilitating the realization of these opportunities. Traditional EDP surveys cover a wide range of thematic areas, while the macro-regional Blue Growth EDP survey focuses specifically on Blue Growth domains in the ADRION macro-regional area.

Blue growth EDP has been developed to support effective EDP process in form of a specific modular multilingual survey pilots executed in nine project partners regions/countries.

The EDP has a trans-regional dimension and is a key policy concept for innovation within the Europe 2020 strategy and smart specialization strategy. It promotes multi-level governance involving European institutions, member states, regions, and local stakeholders. EU funds play a significant role in strengthening the trans-regional dimension by facilitating cooperation based on shared priorities and complementary interests.

The Blue Growth EDP survey focuses on exploring innovation drivers, barriers, growth restraints, capacities, and skills specific to the Blue Growth sector. The survey targets primarily SMEs involved in or connected to the Blue economy value chain activities, along with research communities, education institutions, and relevant public administration representatives.

The project video is available at the link

The BlueAir project is financed under the Interreg ADRION program, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the IPA II Fund.