Croatian Chamber of Economy in cooperation with University of Piraeus team prepared and coordinates the process of Blue Growth EDP pilots on six national and three regional levels within the project partnership. The EDPs will be conducted through a prepared survey that has been translated into local languages in collaboration with partners to facilitate the completion by local stakeholders of the quadruple helix.
Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (i.e. EDP), is a central element of the smart specialisation strategies and is meant to determine how regional or national priorities for research and innovation investment are selected and evolved over time. Thus, the EDP is an inclusive, evidence-based process of stakeholder engagement that derives information about the potentials for new activities by effective targeting on topics and goals in innovation policies and strategies.
Based on the EDP tool document (D.T.2.2.2) the relevant survey was developed. The planned implementation period is until November 2022. The links to surveys for all EDP pilots are as follows: