The University of Piraeus Research Center in collaboration with Living Prospects Ltd co-organized two Teleconferences (11.02.2022 and 23.02.2022) for co-designing with the rest of the BLUEAIR consortium – the mutual learning process on Blue Growth innovation policies. The Teleconferences aimed at discussing the consortium’s common approach to organizing and delivering a series of regional and international cross-fertilization workshops within the ADRION region. Through these workshops, all Blue Growth 4-helix actors will take the occasion to align the importance of Blue Growth innovation policies and exchange their views on the corresponding opportunities and challenges for strengthening BG cooperation in their regions and in the ADRION region.
The 1st Teleconference took place on 11.02.2022 with 20 participants. The main topic of the discussion was the consortium’s common strategic approach towards defining BLUEAIR’s mutual learning process and the common format of the regional and international cross-fertilization workshops. The partners discussed their common main vision, objectives, and outputs at which the workshops should target. They shared also their perspectives on their expectations from the workshops, strategically framing thus the main topics that should be discussed through the workshops.
The 2nd Teleconference took place on 23.02.2022 with 22 participants that discussed their common operational approach towards the delivery of the cross-fertilization workshops. The consortium agreed on the workshops’ common methodological approach regarding their format and the most appropriate tools and methods that should be used to be effective and achieve the maximum of the results. The partners came also to a conclusion considering the organizational aspects of the cross-fertilization workshops, specifying thus the subject and the structure of each workshop.
The final format and topics of the cross-fertilization workshops will be discussed in the upcoming BLUEAIR partners’ meeting and Train the Trainers workshop that will be held on 9th and 10th of March’22 at Podgorica, Montenegro, where the project’s Partners and Associated Partners will validate the results of the consortium’s teleconferences and thus, the co-designed BLUEAIR mutual learning process on Blue Growth innovation policies. The regional cross-fertilization workshops are anticipated to be delivered during April ’22 and the international one during May ’22. Their results will be compiled and analyzed in a White paper, where recommendations about how to exploit the opportunities and address the challenges that distinguish the ADRION region in Blue Growth innovation policies, will be presented.