A call to action

The blue economy presents significant opportunities for economic growth and job creation in the Adriatic and Ionian Region, but it also faces significant challenges related to sustainability and environmental protection. To address these challenges and fully realize the potential of the blue economy, stakeholders from across the region should work together to promote innovation and cooperation and the sustainable use of blue resources. We must adopt and develop new technologies and business models, foster collaboration between industry, research, and government and support the exchange of best practices and knowledge-sharing at the transnational level. By working together, we can ensure that the blue economy in the Adriatic and Ionian Region continues to grow and thrive in a sustainable and innovative way.

So let us join forces and take action to promote coordinated innovation cooperation in the blue economy of the Adriatic and Ionian Region.

The BLUEAIR Innovation Community will be guided by Manifesto that outlines the principles and objectives of this macro-regional initiative in the blue economy. The draft Manifesto is available at the link.

We kindly invite you to provide your feedback, thoughts and views on the Manifesto using by following this link. We would greatly appreciate your valuable feedback, as it will be used for help us refine and finalize the Manifesto.

The BLUEAIR Innovation Community represents a network based on previous activities and other initiatives, open to all. It consists of stakeholders and actors of the quadruple helix who share the long-term goal of coordinating initiatives and collaborating in defining new actions in the Adriatic-Ionian area. The BLUEAIR Innovation Community is based on the Manifesto (principles and objectives of transnational cooperation in SBE) and the Action Plan (a comprehensive programme for close transnational cooperation).

The BLUEAIR Innovation Community aims to be an open platform to enhance and streamline innovation collaboration at territorial and macro-regional level in order to move towards a sustainable blue economy in the Adriatic and Ionian Region. The stated Community is open to all Quadruple Helix stakeholders from the Adriatic and Ionian Region, such as national and regional governments and local authorities, sectoral agencies, universities and research centers, companies, clusters and other business support organizations, civil society and NGOs.

The BLUEAIR Innovation Community’s main tasks include building innovation capacity across the macro-region for a new wave of transformative innovation policies, fostering collective innovation action and leveraging collaboration opportunities, and strengthening the macroregional innovation ecosystem.


Additional information about BLUEAIR Macroregional Innovation Community for the Sustainable Blue Economy is available at: link

The BLUEAIR project is funded under the Interreg ADRION programme, financed by the European Regional Development Fund and the IPA II Fund.