According to Activity C.4,  dedicated to the publication of materials collecting project policy documents, results and achievements, the Blue book (Deliverable C.4.4) is published.

The Blue book consists of an introduction to the BLUEAIR project itself, in which the key objectives of the project are highlighted, as well as exploit opportunities for transnational cooperation in innovation and the development of the Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) in the Blue Growth sector of the Adriatic-Ionian Sea area.

In the next part of the Blue book the Final results of Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP) are presented. In this part it is pointed out that the Pilot Blue Growth EDP project aims to explore and validate feasible Blue Growth areas within the ADRION region, focusing on economy and innovation assets diversity. Also, the several key findings revealed by a dedicated survey among quadruple helix entities involved in or connected to the Blue economy value chain conducted during the project are presented.

BLUEAIR Innovation community, as an open platform that aims to enhance and streamline innovation collaboration at both territorial and macro-regional levels is described in detail, as well as the objectives of the BLUEAIR Innovation Community and the way it operates.

Last part of the Blue book presents the Innovation Strategy of the macro-regional S3 on Blue Growth. It is pointed out that the Innovation strategy and Action plan for Innovation investment in the macro-regional Blue Economy will enhance collaboration, guide decision-making, and capitalize on emerging opportunities. The aim to transform the Adriatic-Ionian region into a thriving hub for Smart and Sustainable Blue Economy, benefiting from its natural resources and promoting economic growth while ensuring long-term sustainability, is emphasized.

The Blue book is available at the following link

The BlueAir project is financed under the Interreg ADRION program, which is funded by the European Regional Development Fund and the IPA II Fund.